Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcome Wolves Attack!! to the roster with their violent debut album "Piss On Everything"! Forming in late 2014 hailing from the streets of Philadelphia, Wolves Attack!! are a vicious five piece who build their music and image around beer, sex, horror and partying. Streamers, urine, blood, alcohol and silly string are often seen flying around the venue when they perform live. "Piss On Everything" is an eleven track barrage of Metalpunk madness that is best enjoyed with a 40 ouncer... so prepare yourself for hostile destruction when these Wolves Attack!! your eardrums! For fans of The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, DRI, Eat The Turnbuckle, GG Allin, Ghoul, Gwar, Integrity, Iron Reagan, The Murder Junkies, Pink Mass, Pulling Teeth, Ringworm, Snapcase, Sparklefight and Wolfbrigade
Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcome Wolves Attack!! to the roster with their violent debut album "Piss On Everything"! Forming in late 2014 hailing from the streets of Philadelphia, Wolves Attack!! are a vicious five piece who build their music and image around beer, sex, horror and partying. Streamers, urine, blood, alcohol and silly string are often seen flying around the venue when they perform live. "Piss On Everything" is an eleven track barrage of Metalpunk madness that is best enjoyed with a 40 ouncer... so prepare yourself for hostile destruction when these Wolves Attack!! your eardrums! For fans of The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, DRI, Eat The Turnbuckle, GG Allin, Ghoul, Gwar, Integrity, Iron Reagan, The Murder Junkies, Pink Mass, Pulling Teeth, Ringworm, Snapcase, Sparklefight and Wolfbrigade