Inhalement make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with "Eternally Stoned"! Hailing from Boston Massachusetts, Inhalement perform highly potent Death Metal that blends old school and melodic riffing. Inhalement were formed from the ashes of Toke who previously released 'Fifty Ton Nug' on HPGD. "Eternally Stoned" unleashes four intense tracks of extremity for fans of The Black Dahlia Murder, Cannabis Corpse, Cryptopsy, Devourment, Deeds Of Flesh, Dying Fetus, Immolation, Pyrexia and Suffocation
Inhalement make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with "Eternally Stoned"! Hailing from Boston Massachusetts, Inhalement perform highly potent Death Metal that blends old school and melodic riffing. Inhalement were formed from the ashes of Toke who previously released 'Fifty Ton Nug' on HPGD. "Eternally Stoned" unleashes four intense tracks of extremity for fans of The Black Dahlia Murder, Cannabis Corpse, Cryptopsy, Devourment, Deeds Of Flesh, Dying Fetus, Immolation, Pyrexia and Suffocation