Helmsplitter make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with the ferocious beast known as "Enraptured By Suffering". Hailing from Illinois, Helmsplitter are a molotov cocktail of Black Metal, Sludge, Death Metal, Crust Punk, Thrash, Doom Metal and hateful Blues. This is extreme metal that takes you on a musical roller coaster through a world of misanthropy, pain, frustration and despair. Unpredictable, relentless and absurdly heavy, Helmsplitter manage to blend various styles together in a seamless, naturally flowing and unforced manner that is uncanny. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Scott Creekmore (Broken Hope, Num Skull, Lupara) and features Blakk (Angelkill, Mortuary Oath, Maskim) on vocals. For fans of Acid Bath, Angelcorpse, Buzzoven, Cough, Craft, Crowbar, Darkthrone, DRI, Emperor, Eyehategod, Goatwhore, Gorgoroth, Grave, Immortal, Malevolent Creation, Marduk, Mayhem, Merrimack, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Sarcofago, Sodom, Soilent Green, Sourvein, Tsjuder and Urgehal